
Beyond the Flames Chapter 4

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Literature Text

Chapter 4

(Ebony's POV)


Excruciating pain…

I close my eyes using everyone's attention on the enormous eagle to my advantage and let my pain be expressed freely on my face.

Now I do not only suffer from a knife laceration to my lower back, but adding to my agony is this deep wound to my left calf.

Damn that insufferable python for taking a cheap shot when he grabbed me nevertheless I was able to leave a nice parting gift in retribution to his crime against me and to the orphanage.

If only I was able to kill him…

I reopen my eyes and stare down at the shining platinum weapons in my hands mesmerized by the mysterious design etched into each of the three-pronged blades and the thin black shimmering linked chains attached to the end of each hilt.

I grasp them tightly in my hands.

I…I will keep these.

That moment when I touched them and that pitch black miasma seeped out and surrounded me, I felt like something was unraveling within my body, within my essence.

Could these sais be a link to the past or will they lead me to my damnation…?

Either or I'm willing to find out.

"Thank you Valefor for everything you did today."

I replace my look of indifference and peer up realizing the heat of the flames of Starlight has dissipated, the eagle I guess named Valefor must've put it out with the power of his wind.

"Anytime Master Nya, today had been most…invigorating," the powerful eagle's voice boomed from overhead.

"Until next time then Valefor have a good rest, you've earned it," the purple-clad woman supposedly named Nya replies with a nod of farewell.

Valefor releases an earth-shattering cry then disappears in wisps of royal purple gales.
Hmm, why do I feel another source of discomforting heat?

My gaze shifts to the left and falls upon sharp smoldering amber gold eyes belonging to the red ninja that I fought alongside with.

Hn…and damn this golden-eyed fire ant for treating me like an invalid and for calling me Snow White.

I maintain my expression of cold apathy and return his stare boringly.  He narrows his eyes even more in response and they ignite in tempered fury.

Hmph, whatever…

Why did he remain beside me?  Even when his comrades appeared he refused to leave my side to greet them merely sending them a nod of acknowledgment and checking for confirmation that they all were alright.

Did I not make myself clear when I said "I don't need you" or perhaps he cannot see beyond the flames of his spontaneity.

Acting on his emotions alone will only lead to his downfall sooner or lat--

I quell a grimace as another bout of piercing pain demands my attention.

"Ebony, we must get you to a hospital," Sister Ophelia says while looking me over with motherly concern.

"Hospital? Sister, you must first cast your concern to the charred remains of the orphanage.  Sheltering the children should be your top priority not my well-being," I chastise plainly, sheathing my newly acquired weapons in one of my numerous belts and reaching into my pocket to pull out my wallet.

"Here, it's not nearly enough, but at least it's a start," I conclude whilst gathering all of my hard earned money and presenting it to her for her to take.

"Ebony no, this is for your journey you'll need this.  How else will you survive?" Sister Ophelia questions with worry.

"I will—

"Take it Sister Ophelia," Sister Murielle interrupts spitefully, "it's the least she can do for all the trouble she has cost."

"Sister Murielle!!" Sister Ophelia shouts with disdain turning to the scornful nun.

"Sister Murielle is correct Reverend Mother," Sister Carissa begins with a frown, "the Celestial has forsaken us for housing a demon for so long and has torn our orphanage asunder as retribution for our misconduct."

Mutters of agreement sound from the other three nuns and the children shrink away cowering in fear of me behind their guardians.

I ignore their hurtful words and whispers simply waiting with my hand outstretched for Sister Ophelia to take the money.

"What are you nuns stupid or somethin'?!"

The whispers immediately stop and all eyes are swiftly turned to the red ninja who had spoken.

Including mine…

"Ebony is the one who defended your orphanage with her life!!  If it wasn't for her the Serpentine would've surely found your little hiding spot and slaughtered you all!!"

The crimson ninja's eyes were so brilliantly flared with anger and repulsion they resembled burning golden embers from which only a volcano could create.

"Here she is wounded and offering all her money to you and you old crows act like it's her fault to begin with and she owes you something!!  You're right though the Celestial did forsake you for your misconduct, but not for housing Ebony, but for oppressing her!!"

"Kai…" the purple-clad female ninja had walked up along with the rest of the ninja and placed her gloved hand on the fiery male's shoulder in an attempt to calm him.

I stare at this aggressive man named Kai with a mixture of confusion and awe.

Why was he defending someone he knew nothing about and so vehemently at that?

"Such blasphemous language!!" Sister Penelope yells in contempt at Kai's critical outburst.

"How dare you even—"

"Be silent, all of you!!" Sister Ophelia's authority-filled voice cuts in sharply like a fine blade, "Kai is being truthful in his rebuttal Ebony owes us nothing she has proven herself time after time that she is loyal to Starlight and why you all refuse to believe it is beyond me.  These reptiles laying on ground around us are the aggressors not Ebony!!"

Sister Ophelia then turns back to me, puts her hand on top of mine and lowers it.

"Keep your money Ebony," she says with a soft grateful smile, "it is yours."

"Excuse me, but is this yours too Ebony?"

I turn my attention to a girl with wild bright blond hair and mismatched eyes, her figure incased in gold attire that wasn't at all appropriate for this kind of weather.

Oddball, I think absently while taking in Gabriel's medicine bag.

I nod in confirmation to her question and she gives it to me.

"Here are the antibiotics for Gabriel Sister Ophelia," I voice impassively as I pass the bag over to her.

"Ah, thank you Ebony this will surely ease the child's pain."

Harsh whispers coming from the nuns and children cause me to look in their direction.

"Gabriel, get back here this instant!"

Sister Murielle tries to stop the boy, but he quickly maneuvers out of her grasp and approaches me.

"Gabriel," I call softly.

A little boy no older than five walks slowly, but determinedly towards me.  His small frame wrapped in a thin blanket and old house slippers that were a tad too big for his feet, his hair a copper tone that compliments his pale skin and dark brown eyes nicely.  He stops in front of me and looks up with a tired, although joyful smile.

"Thank you Ebony, I always knew you were good and kind especially since you always would find time to keep me company when I was too weak to play with the other kids.  True, you didn't say much only asking how I was doing, but you always brought me something hot to drink like tea, milk, hot chocolate, and sometimes my favorite apple cider."

The Celestial's little archangel wipes his nose with the edge of his blanket and steps closer to loop his arms around my waist in a hug.

He continues to speak his voice muffled slightly given that his face was pressed against my navel, but I could still hear every word.

"I always thought you were very pretty and mysterious-looking not at all like a demon.  I'm gonna miss your low soothing voice and since Mydnyte only appears when your around, I'm gonna miss playing with her too.  I don't know whether or not I'll be lucky enough to get adopted, but if not…would you consider…adopting me?  You know when you're done traveling and stuff?"

Gabriel glances up at me with hope and anticipation shining in his eyes and for a brief moment I remove the barriers guarding my heart and send him a tender smile with a simple answer…


I then pocket my money and my wallet and return his hug while brushing my fingers over and through his hair.

The snow had long since stopped falling and the silence of the people around me is more than welcomed.

Thank you Gabriel…

After another minute or so he pulls back and releases me then turns his head towards my unwanted crimson "protector" and says to him, "And thank you mister Kai for sticking up for her."

"No problem Gabriel and just Kai from now on, okay?"


Gabriel is interrupted as his body convulses into a coughing fit and he is soon picked up by Sister Ophelia.

"We will seek refuge at Father Nathaniel's Church, so let us be off and please everyone stay together!" Sister Ophelia calls out strongly for everyone to hear then turns back to me and the ninja, "On behalf of Twilight I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your heroic deeds tonight ninja and Ebony…please take care and keep in touch."

"I will Sister."

As I watch Sister Ophelia and Gabriel follow the formation of nuns and children out of the courtyard I focus on Black Diamond Avenue to my right.

There's an all-night clinic near Dominic's Chicken and Pancakes, so I'll head there and get fixed up then grab something to eat then turn-in for the night at Motel 9.

But, before I can take a single step Kai's hand lands on my shoulder…

"So, are you ready to come with us Ebony?"

I whirl on him and knock his hand off belligerently.

"I'm not going anywhere with any of you," I state lowly with a scowl.

The red ninja's eyes widen at first then narrows with anger.

"Would you stop being so damn hostile and stubborn, we're only trying to help here!"

I remain silent and take a step back, but upon placing my left foot down a terrible tremor of pain travels rapidly up my entire leg and causes me to buckle.

Kai is there in an instant placing his hands on my shoulders to keep me balanced.

"Dammit Ebony see, you should listen to me. I know what I'm talking about."

I ignore him and focus instead on my breathing and blocking out the escalating pain.

I close my eyes tight and grit my teeth harshly to stifle an incoming cry of torment.

Soon, I'm lifted completely off the ground by no doubt the one called Kai and I turn my face inward if only to shield my expression from him and everyone else.

"We can save the introductions for later guys and girls, first let's get her back to the Bounty.  Ayane, do you think you can heal her when we get there?" Kai's voice sounds from above, however I pay little mind to what was happening around me only concentrating on…this…scent of…cinnamon, apple, and something else…maybe juniper and plum?

"Yeah, I should be able to," a light feminine voice replies.

"I'll contact Sensei Wu and see if he can meet us somewhere nearby, so we can save time," another male voice says.

This one sounded a bit playful with a mature undertone.

I'm getting so tired all of a sudden…

Is this what a forest would smell like…?

I could feel my consciousness slipping, the throbbing pain in my leg and stinging sensation in my lower back flee to a distant corner of my mind.

I've…always wanted to see…a forest…

(Sometime Later…)

Twilight was such a beautiful city it…saddens me to leave her behind for now.

My entrance however was indeed grand.  When I struck that Serpentine from behind, my blades piercing through scales, muscle, and bone…ah yes, I wanted to go deeper, I wanted to pierce the heart, but if I had done that you may not have been able to pull me out.

…I take it you are the sais then? It's difficult to interpret whether or not you are male or female your voice seems almost…androgynous.

You are not easily startled mistress even now I can feel your heart cloaked and protected in fortified shadow, it is how you protect yourself and remain vigilant against adversity of any scale no matter how minor.  However, male or female, the question is irrelevant.  I wish to dialogue about something much more…intriguing something you have been curious about most of your life…if not all of it.

…If you know anything about my past tell me, I must know.

Oh, but mistress it would be no fun just to tell you now would it?  I shall give you hints along the way to keep the game more interesting.

I'm in no mood for "Trivial Pursuit" spirit of the sais.

Indulge me Mistress of Darkness…hmm it seems I have not formally introduced myself how rude of me.  Over many millennia, I have been called countless names: Nothingness, Abyss, Void, now it is simply Oblivion at your humble service.  The darkness is so strong in you mistress, when I first felt your power stir it was with great haste I wanted to be by your side to lend you my power…and awaken yours.

…Oblivion, how do I release this power outward?  What am I capable of?

All in due time, but first brace yourself…here comes the pain.



I jolted awake the moment I felt blinding pain course through every vein in my body. I spun around and pushed the person who was causing my agony which just so happens to be the girl with the wild bright blond hair and mismatched eyes.  Only now her hair shone like stunning white gold…

She stumbled back with wide eyes, but was caught by a white ninja with dark gravity-defying platinum blond hair and hazel eyes.  

"Ayane, are you alright?" The white ninja asked urgently.

"Yeah, I'm fine Zane," the girl named Ayane replied shakily and straightened up to stand on her own.  Her hair returned to its normal shade as she looked at me warily and I took notice of the scar slicing vertically down the right of her lips.  

I glare heatedly at her and breathed heavily through my mouth, my body still feeling the effects of the mind-numbing pain.

Now that's what I call a "rude awakening" eh?  Light and Dark do not mix well, while one cannot exist without the other there is a reason why they remain in separate domains.

"Ebony, I'm sorry.  I was only trying to heal your wounds, did I hurt you?" The golden-clad girl questions with a look of remorse.

What the hell do you think?  I wanted to growl out, but I don't reply at all only look around to see where I was.

I was sitting up on a nice-sized white cot in a room with numerous medical supplies lining the shelves in the corner against the far right wall.  The only occupants in the room were I, the white ninja named Zane, and Ayane.

They must have taken me to their home and placed me in an infirmary of sorts, I think as I glance briefly at the male and female ninja before shifting my gaze to the wound along my calf.

The bleeding had stopped, but the injury was still open and throbbing.

Until your powers have reached their full potential you will have to heal normally mistress.  What doesn't kill you will only serve to make you stronger.  Strength you will need for the future.

The door behind the two suddenly bursts open and the other ninja and a small boy in green file hastily in the room, only they were all unmasked.

"What was that scream!!"

The crimson ninja…with golden amber eyes…

I peer at him closely now that I can see his countenance.

A strong angular face with high definitive cheekbones that added even more masculinity to his features, thin, but full lips turned sardonically in the right corner gave him an air of both hubris and superciliousness.

…Hmph, the result of one too many smirks.

A small notch marred his left eyebrow and atop his head a mass disarray of unruly dark chocolate spikes that made him easily distinguishable from the rest.  The natural tan his complexion shone finished the visage of this wild and impulsive man.

Overall…easy on the eyes…

"I…I don't think I can heal her Kai," Ayane begins unsurely "it seems I only end up hurting her more.  I don't understand."

"What?" Kai questions turning to me with wonder.

"It may have something to do with her element being Darkness," Nya says while walking towards one of the shelves and getting a brown bottle, cotton swaps, a bandage, and gauze.

"Kai, can you get a warm bowl of water and soap? We'll have to treat her wounds normally," Nya asks the red ninja.

"Sure sis." and Kai moves to obey.

So Nya and Kai are related?  That must be the extent of the ones connected by blood since the others look nothing alike.

"Hello Ebony I'm Sasha," a tall red-head with storm grey eyes and caramel-shaded skin walks up to me and introduces herself with a smile, "I'm sure you caught most of our names, but let me introduce the rest."

She turns and points to each individual and identifies them by name.

"That's Cole," she says pointing to a dark-haired man in black with olive-toned skin and emerald jade eyes.  He responds with a nod and a smile.

"Over there is Jay," she pointed to another guy only he was in blue with chestnut-brown hair with a fair complexion.  He was fiddling with a small device in his hand, but looks up when his name is called.  Deep blue eyes meet my gaze evenly and he smiles widely even adding a wave with his greeting before returning his focus on the contraption in his hand.

He must be the playful voice I heard earlier, I think absently adjusting my position to lay on my side making sure not to move unnecessarily and injuring myself further.

"I'm sure you met Ayane and Zane," she says gesturing to the duo that has been with me since I woke up.  The white ninja gives a formal Japanese bow and a small grin while Ayane expresses an apologetic smile on her face.

I keep my expression detached and I see her smile falter slightly.

Kai then strolls over carrying a plastic bowl and a cloth.  He sets the bowl down on a small table situated at the foot of the cot then gently, but casually lifts my legs, sits down and places them in his lap.

The impudence and gall this man has is infuriating.

Oblivion's ominous chuckle resounds through my mind.

"Nya, you can place everything on the table here.  I'll take care of Ebony," Kai informs his sister easily as he removes my ankle boots and socks with surprising tenderness.

I don't give in to the temptation to kick him off the cot refusing to let him rouse any type of superfluous emotion from me.

Nya smiles lightly and replies, "Sure thing Kai," and places the medical materials on the table.

"Okay and of course there are Kai and Nya that just leaves Sensei Wu and Lloyd," Sasha concludes gesturing to the small boy who must be Lloyd.

Definitely not Sensei Wu…

My gaze locks with maroon burgundy eyes…has he been staring at me this whole time…?

"Hi, I'm Lloyd," the young boy says walking closer to me, "where'd you get that tattoo? It's really cool."

I glance down at my right shoulder where my eccentric birthmark decorated my skin and reply tonelessly to him.

"It's not a tattoo it's just a weird birthmark."

Look at the boy closely Mistress Ebony, look at every…single…detail.

What are you getting at Oblivion with that green suit on and that eye color he resembles a Christmas ornament.

Haha yes the eye color, focus my mistress…

"Lloyd, where is Sensei Wu?" Cole asks suddenly.

The boy pokes my right shoulder absently and turns his head to address Cole, the movement making his light platinum blond hair swish to the side.

My brow furrows in intense concentration as I take in the color of his hair which was only a shade darker than mine…

"That's what I was trying to explain earlier Cole, Sensei has been meditating for hours now in his room and I don't think we should disturb him.  That's why I was the one who picked up the phone when you guys called and flew the Bounty to meet you."

Maroon burgundy irises compared to my russet garnet…

Only a shade away from each other…

This…this doesn't prove anything Oblivion besides our skin tones are different, I say telepathically to the spirit as I take in Lloyd's lighter complexion.

I could feel my heart rate increase at the spirit's dark laughter.

"Oh alright, yeah we shouldn't interrupt him.  I guess he will meet Ebony tomorrow then," Cole sighed out tiredly.

"Hey Ayane, you think you can heat up that hamburger helper?  We didn't get a chance to eat," Jay puts in abruptly.

Choruses of agreement fill the room and out of my peripheral I see Ayane smile appreciatively.

"Of course I can, but I'm not sure how it will taste since it sat on the table for so long."

"Do not worry Ayane," Zane comforts with a sure smile, "the meal can still be salvaged."

Lloyd leaves my side at the mention of food and starts talking excitedly.

"I didn't want to eat without everyone because I wanted to tell Ayane about the time Zane had to go on a mission as a pink ninja!!"

Everyone laughs merrily at Lloyd's exclamation except Zane who just shakes his head and face-palms.

"Who could ever forget that!? Zane looked like a big bottle of Pepto-Bismol!!" Jay jibes with a smirk while elbowing the still obviously embarrassed Zane.

"Ugh, if only I could erase that one memory," the white ninja laments as he turns towards the door the others trailing behind him.

Oblivion, stop laughing and answer me!!

Something warm and wet touches my leg and distracted from my internal battle with the spirit I look over at Kai.  He had begun treating my leg, dabbing at the wound thoroughly to clean it with the soapy warm water.

Sasha and Nya both stop on their way out and turn to address us.

"Ebony would you like something to eat?  We can bring you a plate down if you want?" Sasha proposes kindly.

Despite the hunger pains in my stomach, I shake my head negative my mind engulfed with too many thoughts at the moment to stomach food.

"I'll eat in the morning," I say quietly in reply to her offer.

Both women casts me looks of concern, but don't question my declination.

"What about you Kai?" Nya asks Kai as he continues to clean my wound.

"I'm fine sis, I'll eat later," he replies whilst not removing his eyes from his medical attention on my leg.

She nods with a sly smirk and both women resume their walk to the door and out leaving me alone with Kai.

Oblivion had long since quieted down, however still refuses to answer me.

This is one silence I cannot tolerate…

"That was the first sentence you spoken since we entered the room," Kai observes putting the cloth down on the table and turning to look at me.

I meet his gaze steadily, but don't reply.

Kai licks his lips quickly before continuing.

"Look Ebony, you need to get through your head that we aren't the bad guys here.  Sensei Wu will explain everything to you in better detail tomorrow, but let me just say this.  We need you."

"Why do you need me?" I ask plainly.

He sighs deeply while running a gloved hand through his spikes.

"Because you are the Kunoichi of Darkness, the final Master of Spinjitsu and I know none of this makes sense to you right now, but those sais flew to you for a reason.  You're part of something big Ebony and you're supposed to be here with us to fight the Serpentine."

He picks up the brown bottle and twists off the cap then places a cotton swab at the mouth of the bottle.  With one fluid motion he dips the bottle down and moistens it.

He then proceeds to disinfect my wound with the same thoroughness he performed earlier.

"The Serpentine are those snakes no doubt," I begin lowly with a scowl in place, but smooth out my expression and continue, "Kai, I have my own agenda.  The Serpentine are of no concern of mine neither is this "something big" you mentioned as well. I don't intend to stay here long only long enough to heal and…possibly get some answers."

Kai's hand stills for a moment and I see his golden amber eyes narrow in harsh contemplation before continuing to treat me.  He discards the now crimson cotton swab and preps another one.

"And what agenda is more important than saving Ninjago Ebony?" He questions harshly, even though his tone is callous he still utilizes the same gentle treatment as before.

"That…is none of your concern.  I didn't want to come here Kai—"

"You needed me—"

"I don't need your help or anyone else's."

Kai's movements were tightly controlled as he wound the bandage around my calf with the gauze. His face dark with fury while he bit through the gauze with his teeth and tied it in a knot.

He then lifted my legs and placed them down then turned on his heel and made his way to the door.

"You'll understand better tomorrow," he says whilst not turning around.

When he reaches the door he places his hand on the knob, but doesn't turn it.

"Ebony, I'm gonna make you feel something whether it's anger or anything else I'll make you feel it.  You're trying to block everyone out not allowing anyone to get close to you, but I'm telling you this right now…I don't ever give up.  I'll tear down each barrier surrounding your heart one…by…one."

My eyes narrow at his back and he twists the knob and opens the door walking through it, but he doesn't close it all the way letting a sliver of moonlight shine through my now dark room.

I relax fully on my cot and close my eyes.

Heed the crimson one's words mistress, you will better understand tomorrow…

…Hn, whatever…

Nearing the escape of my subconscious, I feel something soft and furry curl on my chest accompanied by a soothing purr…


After all…half siblings do not look exactly alike…

…All I want…are answers.
Chapter 4 is here!! Sorry for the delay everyone, but I hope you enjoy!!
© 2012 - 2024 VelvetPersona
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