
Chapter 3: Execution and Destination

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Careful Planning

(Cole's POV)

My subconscious pricked at my spirit, urging me to wake up and greet the new dawn. I moan and open my eyes slowly and groggily stare at the red line of numbers displayed on my alarm clock…5:30 A.M….as always. Not sure why I even bother to have the thing really. I've been waking up at the same time every morning since I begun training to be a ninja with my brothers. It's second nature now.

The palest of blues sifts through my blinds and dapples my room in a faint light. I peel back my comforter as I sit up and run my hand languidly through my hair. I lick my lips with a smile.

This is it. Today's the day. I glance back over at my clock again. Everything flows through this ship like clockwork. I have forty-five minutes to get ready; Sasha will be heading towards the kitchen by then to prepare Howard and Lilia's breakfast.

I slip out of bed with excitement and head for my bathroom, grabbing my PMS along the way. While I'm getting ready I want to do a quick service count and also make sure everyone is up. I put a slab of toothpaste on my toothbrush and insert it into my mouth, letting it hang for a sec while I hit the red button.

Soon, Kai's drowsy morning voice filters through the speaker. (Uhhh…I'm up, bro! I'm up! And I'll be ready! Damn…I didn't think I'd ever live to see the day when Mr. Composure would lose his cool.)

Despite proceeding in the task to brush my teeth, I get my reply out to him. "I'm not losing my cool, man," I say over a mouthful of toothpaste, "I just want to make sure—"

(Everything goes according to plan.) He finishes with a crackly chuckle and clears his throat. I roll my eyes. I just know he's smirking right now. (Listen, to save you a little time, Lloyd completed his task in planting the rose last night. I saw him do it. All you need to do is make contact with Jay and Zane. Good luck again, bro. Let's make this thing happen!)

I smile appreciatively, if there's anything Kai is really good at, it's rallying. "Thanks, Kai," I say and cut the connection. I finish brushing my teeth and using my mouthwash before calling Jay. I have to pull his invention away from my ear when he yells into it.

(Land ho! Quatre Falls in on the horizon! We should be docking in exactly eight minutes!)

Once the ringing in my ear subsides, I bring my PMS back up to it. "Glad to hear you're just as fired-up as me about this day, Jay," I remark good-naturedly and stroll over to the other side of my bathroom to turn the tap for the hot water to start. Sigh, gotta love a nice hot shower to start the day.

I hear the sound of gales buffing the air in the background and realize that he must be outside on deck.

(Hey, whatever gets you off this ship for a few days is cool with me.) He replies in a much more appreciated subdued tone. Balancing the PMS on my shoulder, I begin to unbutton my pajama top.

"Couldn't agree more," I admit truthfully while shrugging off the black material. I grasp the device again before pulling my shower curtain back. "But, you and I both know the true reason why you want me gone," I grin, the steam from the heated water already shrouding my bathroom in a thin mist. "For the last couple of years you've always given me my birthday present last because—"

(Because you gotta save the best for last, right?)

"Because," I repeat, "you've always forgotten my birthday. Rushing out on the day of to go grab me something, what was last year's gift again? Oh right…a black T-shirt with "Bossman" printed on the back. A medium I might add."

(How was I supposed to know you were going to bust out of it like the Incredible Hulk?)

"Well, given the fact that you're not even a medium and I'm bigger than you should've given you some indication," I laugh, jerking down my bottoms with one hand and flinging them away with my foot.

Jay makes a half-laugh, half-indignant sound from the back of his throat. (Hey, don't blame me because the store was out of size "gorilla" and c'mon I had a back up gift, didn't I?)

"Sure did," I say lightly and finally step under the hot spray of my shower. "My Easy-Bake Oven, how could I forget?"

(Ah-ha! Something you really needed, right? Do you still have it by the way?)

"Of course, I kept all of my gifts even the unorthodox ones…mainly yours," I tease and he chuckles. Pulling my curtain close, I run a hand through my now thoroughly soaked locks and continue. "Listen Jay, I wasn't going to give you grief for this because well…this year has been a rather unpleasant time for all of us so far. A lot has happened."

Jay is quiet as am I. Remembering the unexpected death of our Sensei last month at the jaws of the Great Devourer…the memory is so fresh that I can still see the melancholic expression on his face as he restrained Pythor from behind with his bamboo stick, so the contemptible python could witness the catastrophic consequences of his foolish action. He and the despicable serpent king disappearing from view completely as the massive snake launched down and swallowed them both whole.

(I'd say our experiences had been more than just unpleasant, Cole.) He says at last and I nod even though he can't see the gesture. (Sensei is still with us, we all know that and he wouldn't want us grieving anymore than we have, so…let's not, okay soon-to-be-birthday-boy?)

I grin sadly, "Yeah."

(Lucky bastard, you'll get to celebrate your birthday twice! No one's ever had that luxury! Get ready storebror (big brother) and I'll talk to you later.)

"Yeah," I say again and end the call. I place my PMS in the shower caddy and really start to focus on cleansing myself. I can't allow my mind to drift too much, knowing that I'm short on time and still needed to contact Zane. Thus, I go through the motions on auto-pilot and finish in record time. Turning off the tap and stepping out of the shower, I undergo the conscientious task of drying my hair. The thickness and length of my hair is a bit frustrating at times since its density absorbs water like no other and my bangs always threaten to obstruct my vision. However, I can't bring myself to trim it down anymore than I have. Not to mention that Sasha loves to run her fingers through it.

All the more reason to keep it the way it is.

I rub my head furiously with my pitch black towel then bring it around my waist. Taking heed to grab my PMS first, I exit the bathroom and am immediately welcomed by the drop of temperature. Undeterred, I flick on the light and press the white button next.

I balance the contraption on my shoulder like before as I rummage through my dresser drawers for some clothes. Zane answers almost immediately.

(Since I am positive no one has yet, let me be the first to say, happy birthday, Cole. We will not see you on the day of your twentieth year, but make no mistake that we will celebrate when you and Sasha return.)

Another grin crosses my face at my best friend's words, "Grazie (thanks), fratello on both accounts. I really appreciate yours and everyone else's cooperation even though it doesn't actually benefit anyone but me."

If all goes well…

(Cole, you are not only my best friend, but also my sworn brother. Your happiness and well-being are important to me. I will assist you in any way I can, as I am sure you would do the same for me. No qualms have been discussed in regards to your endeavor. We are all happy to help.)

"Grazie," I repeat.

My eyes widen in amazement when he replies back fluently, (Siete i benvenuti.) (You are most welcome.)

Getting over my shock, I slip on my black cargo pants over my boxers. I know this is Zane, but still…could he really be fluent in Italian? I decide to find out.

"Quanto tempo ho lasciato?" (How much time do I have left?)

(Solo dodici punti di sei minuti, quindi vi prego di fare in fretta. Lo vi comunicheremo ovviamente sul momento preciso in cui Chi di Sasha passa dalla mia porta. Pianificare attentamente il vostro tempismo.) (Only twelve point six minutes, so I implore you to make haste. I will notify you of course on the precise moment when Sasha's Chi passes by my door. Plan your timing carefully.)


I press the speaker button and set my PMS down on my bed. "Capito. Sono quasi pronto. Sei incredibile Zane, quante lingue parli adesso?" (Got it. I'm almost ready. You're incredible Zane, how many languages do you speak now?) I inquire and swiftly pull my grey undershirt over my head and tuck it in.

(Con la mia piu recente e italiano, sei ora: russo, giapponese, inglese, francese e mandarino. Devo ancora imparare a padroneggiare la lingua native di Jay, norvegese…Ah, se posso, fratello? Ho ancora una volta bisogno del vostro consiglio.) (With my most recent being Italian, six now: Russian, Japanese, English, French, and Mandarin. I have yet to master Jay's native tongue, Norwegian…Ah, if I may, brother? I once again need your counsel.)

I finish buckling my belt, but halt in putting on my over shirt at the sound of Zane's unusually troubled voice. And the fact that he's still speaking Italian sends my mind hurling back to my time with Dante and how we would usually converse in our mother's language when either of us was fraught with worry or distress. I shake my head quickly to try to dispel the haunting voice of my younger sibling and try to focus on Zane's. When I speak, I had intended to revert back to English as to banish the woe of the past, but…I can't. Another brother needs me.

"Cosa c`e di sbagliato con te, fratello?" (What's wrong with you, brother?) I asked after I picked up the PMS and turned off the speaker.

He releases a quick sigh then gets right to the point. (Non posso essere testimone di Jay al suo matrimonio.) (I cannot be Jay's best man at his wedding.)

This really surprises me. "Perche no? Tu eri tutto perlui quando e venuto a voi." (Why not? You were all for it when he came to you.) Then a figurative light bulb clicks over my head, "Aspetta, si tratta di Kai, non e vero?" (Wait, this is about Kai, isn't it?)

Another sigh. (Il senso di intrusion non lascera la mia anima. Non e il mio posto per stare accanto Jay il giorno piu importante della sua vita. Si tratta di Kai. So che lui ha detto che andava bene con la decisione di Jay pero, posso sentire il suo spirito addolorato. Il matrimonio di Jay significa piu de Kai che dare la sorella di distanza, si tratta di dare i suoi migliori auguri al suo migliore auguri al suo migliore amico. Non posso violare tale aspetto vitale, ma pur sapendo che, non voglio deludere Jay.) (The sense of intrusion will not leave my soul. It is not my place to stand beside Jay on the most important day of his life. It is Kai's. I know he said he was fine with Jay's decision however, I can sense his saddened spirit. Jay's wedding means more to Kai than just giving his sister away, it's about giving his best wishes to his best friend. I cannot infringe upon that vital aspect, but even while knowing that, I don't want to disappoint Jay.)

"L'unico modo per deludere Jay e di non dirgli come ti senti sulla questione, Zane. Penso che tutti e tre si dovrebbe stare insieme e parlare di questo. Anche se il matrimonio e mesi di distanza, non si vuole mettere qualcosa di cosi importante in sordina, in mod oil piu presto possibile. Jay e un ragazzo ragionevole…nella maggior parte dei casi, quindi sono sicuro che capira. Quanto a Kai, lui probabilmente non ammetterlo, ma lui sara grato." (The only way you'll disappoint Jay is by not telling him how you feel about the matter, Zane. I think all three of you should get together and talk about this. Even though the wedding is months away, you don't want to put something this important on the backburner, so the sooner the better. Jay's a reasonable guy…in most cases, so I'm sure he'll understand. As for Kai, he probably won't admit it, but he'll be grateful to you.)

(Si, lei ha ragione. Faro come lei suggerisce, fratello. Come sempre, il tuo consiglio mi ha illuminato. Potrebbe non essere molto abile nel consolante, ma siete al counseling.) (Yes, you are correct. I will do as you suggest, brother. As always, your advice has enlightened me. You may not be very adept at consoling, but you are at counseling.)

I scratch the back of my head sheepishly. "Lo so. I suck in quie momenti, finisco sempre per dire la cosa sbagliata." (I know. I suck during those moments; I always end up saying the wrong thing.)

As Zane chuckles, I finish getting dressed, throwing on my black short-sleeved button-up shirt but leaving it undone and scenting myself with a touch of cologne.

(Forse l'unico modo per correggere la vostra inettitudine e quello di-) (Perhaps the only way to rectify your ineptitude is to-)

Zane stops short and falls silent. I wait a few moments and adorn my feet in a pair of socks and my new black and silver Jordan's.

(Sasha has just passed by my door. Good luck on your mission objective, Cole.) He informs me after his brief pause.

"Alright, see ya, Zane." I clip my PMS to my belt and stroll on over to the door. I grab my wallet off the dresser and pocket it securely, fastening the elongated platinum chain to one of the loops of my pants. My heart and mind are calm as I dawdle a little longer and equip myself with my Scythe of Quakes and run a comb through my hair.

Executing Operation: Reconciliation!

I slink out of my room quietly and travel down the hall towards the dining room. From the corner, I can hear Sasha poking around in the kitchen. Stepping quickly, I align myself on the wall adjacent to the double doors and cautiously lean forward to spy through the circle glass window.

Still sauntering around in those sexy shorts and tight black top, Sasha had just put the ducks' plethora of grapes on the cutting board and now she was steadily reaching up to open the overhead cabinet for their bag of barley. I keep my eyes trained on the target and watch as the crimson rose falls promptly from its hiding spot and lands on the counter. I can see her profile clearly; her brow creases in stupefied wonder and her lips part to mouth a question. She picks up the rose and handles it as if it were a piece of precious crystal, her fingers caressing the blood petals delicately. A smile lights her face.

I only have a moment to react when she suddenly presses her nose to the flower and inhales. With her eyes already closed, the rest of her body goes limp and she begins to crumble to the floor. I slam open the door and sprint the short distance to her in order to catch her before her head collides with the side of the island.

Good, I have procured the target. On to the next phase…

With one hand I press the speaker button on my PMS, "I got her!" I yell and carefully lift her up, placing my hand under her knees for balance. When I round the corner from the dining room, Kai is coming up to me with our two bags with Ayane trailing close behind him.

"You put it in, right Ayane?" He questions and the blond nods.

"Yeah, everything is in there now," she replies and the three of us exit the Bounty to meet with all the others on the deck. The sky is dark and heavily clouded. A downpour was on its way and powerful winds would accompany it. Ebony and Nya approach me with a blanket and together we cocoon Sasha's body protectively into it.

"The storm was meant to just pass over us, but unfortunately it'll be heading in the same direction you'll be traveling in, so stay safe," Nya cautions then gazes at Sasha with a hefty degree of fondness. "I wish I could be there to see the look on her face when she sees her hometown and family." Her eyes lift to mine, "I believe it'll be good for her and you, meeting the family and all."

"Take care of our beloved sister and leader, Cole," Ebony states sincerely and Ayane touches my shoulder.

"The sky will be fair and cloudless for the duration of your stay in Poseidonia, persevere until then. I hope everything goes well for you, Cole. Have fun, okay?"

I smile at the Kunoichi before me, but before I can say anything, Jay intervenes.

"C'mon Winnie the Pooh, get the hell out the honey tree!" He shouts and I glance his way just in time to see Kai jump over the railings onto the shore. The fierce gales tousle through my hair fiercely and I readjust the blanket around Sasha to make sure she's kept warm.

"Jay is correct, Cole. The tides are beginning to sway us and you have a schedule to keep. You must make good time," Zane says and I nod.

"We'll have a party when you get back, Cole. Take care," Lloyd puts in, wearing a small smile.

"Right, see you guys in three days and thanks again!"

I then turn and leap over the railings myself and join Kai on solid ground. When I summon my Tread Assault, I immediately pull the lever that opens the hidden compartment above the thrusters. After a few minutes, I hear Kai slam it shut and I start the engine.

"Poseidonia, here we come!"

I step on the gas and speed off heading for the grassy plateaus beyond Quatre Falls. My fingers glide over the dashboard to regulate the temperature as soon as the first few droplets of rain hit the windshield. I power on my GPS as well.

"TA, initiate preprogrammed destination."

"Request acknowledged. Preprogrammed destination is Poseidonia, avoiding highways and civilian routes."

A holographic visualization of the surrounding terrain materializes on my right. Thanks to Jay, my GPS is now attached directly to TA's mainframe which in turn gives him a higher functional indoctrination. "TA" is the AI housed inside my Tread Assault. He's been active ever since the Goddess of Wind, Sylph, gave us an upgrade to our firearms for our Spinjitzu Vehicles after Nya completed her Trial.

"Estimated time to reach destination is five hours and fifty-four minutes. Traversing Daedra Lands, keep heading northwest for one hundred and thirty miles. Shall I initiate Semi-Auto Cruise Control?"

"Actually, take over for a little while TA," I command and release the steering wheel to reposition Sasha more comfortably against me. Her serene face warms my heart as she snuggles closer, pressing her cheek against my collarbone. A light moan/sigh escapes her along with a mumble of my name. When she becomes still once more, I give a lingering kiss to her forehead and run my fingers through her exotic red tresses. Her scent always intoxicates me, that subtle combination of jasmine and citrus must have some sort of enchanting properties or something. I can't seem to get enough; it's like an olfactory addiction.

The dreary grayish gloom of the outside weather doesn't affect how relaxed and content I feel. The soft tap of water upon glass is accompanied by the low growl of TA, creating a natural therapeutic serenity to my soul. It's tempting to steal a kiss when her lips are this close, but I dare not to. It's been so many weeks since our last consensual deep kiss. She can't still be as upset as she was when the incident first occurred. I know she isn't. This getaway will serve as the foundation for our reconciliation. I admit it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she has to understand that I had good intentions. By offering my protection she thinks I'm negating her own strength. Well, she's wrong. I know how strong she is. She proves it to me every day, on and off the battlefield. However, there are just some things that I refuse to let her handle alone…and her latest premonition is one of them.

I am your rock. I am your support. Use me, lean on me. Let me be the one you come to for every trouble that plagues your heart. We've been together long enough for you to know how much I truly love you.

Sasha's breathing remains deep and even as she continued to slumber, blissfully unaware of her surroundings and my plans for her. Her long dark lashes lay undisturbed atop her cheeks and her tongue unsuspectingly darts out to moisten her full cream-colored lips.

"Do you know exactly how long it's been since we've been together, Sasha?" I ask, knowing she couldn't answer. Although, I know she can hear me if only bits and pieces. I just feel in the mood to talk to her. "By my birthday it would be exactly half a year…six whole months."

I smile and look ahead, despite it being relatively still morning, the sky is a dark grey and large drops of rain pelt the windshield in a punishing frenzy. TA had activated his headlights and wipers to aid in visibility and from the looks of the holographic navigator…we still have a long way to go.

Not that I mind…

I return my attention to Sasha, "You remember your birthday, amore? And what…almost happened between us? Man, what an unforgettable night that was…"

(Flashback, February 17th)

I am trying my damndest not to stare, but…but…

"Goodness Cole, I see you eyeing my plate. If you want to try some all you have to do is ask…here."

Sasha dips her spoon into her lobster bisque to gather a hearty dollop and leans forward slightly to offer it to me.

"Careful now, it's hot," she whispers and I swallow with effort. It was a great cover-up especially if I didn't want to get knocked out, but Sasha's food was not where my eyes were…Even now, her position…my eyes are locked on the lovely swell of her breasts. They're just so…large and…perceptible. Her long sea foam-colored dress is backless and the only thing holding it up is the thick satin tie around her neck. Her smooth caramel skin is just glowing under the fluorescent lights…begging to be touched…caressed…worshipped.

I blink and lift my eyes to hers as she waits patiently for me to take the offered food. I manage to maintain eye contact while my lips close around her spoon and I even produce a flirtatious wink to provide more of a convincing cover. The platinum irises shine charmingly as she laughs outright and sits back in her seat to continue eating her meal.

I savor the deliciousness in my mouth a moment more before swallowing and wiping my mouth with a napkin. I keep the cloth in place a little longer than necessary to make sure I wasn't having another nosebleed which thankfully after taking a peek, I'm not. I fight down the blush that threatens to come up with controlled discipline, knowing that months ago I wouldn't have been able to.

"This place is so beautiful…" Sasha sighs as her gaze sweeps the outdoor restaurant. I had decided to take her off the coastline of Bluebay. It wasn't her home of Poseidonia, but The Amorilla's Alcove was known for its fine seafood cuisine. Plus, the establishment is stationed near a private beach where we can take a stroll afterwards. This was all I could do for her on this special day and from the bedazzled look in her eyes, I know I did an awesome job.

The tropical cabana theme is indeed tasteful without being too extravagant. With each table lined and decorated with vibrantly-hued tablecloths and coconut candle centerpieces, it provided that rich with fun but romantic ambiance I wanted.

"So, um…Cole? How's your steak?"

My eyes come back to rest on Sasha's gorgeous face and see her smiling ever so gently at me. And despite her rather dark complexion…I can detect the redness on her cheeks and what's even more encouraging is her body language. As if on cue, her hand reaches up and fiddles with Sophia's Pearl around her neck.

I'm affected by her however…she's also affected by me.

I smile and reach over to grasp her free hand in mine. "It's perfect, but it's much too big even for someone with my appetite. I guess I'll have to get a to-go box."

"Yeah, I'm full too and I still have so much left. Let's do that."

Suddenly the lights cool down to a nice dim and the band on the miniature stage begins to play a slow jam. The saxophone immediately catches my appeal and obviously Sasha's as well.

"C'mon," I beckon and begin to rise with her hand still firmly in mine, "Let's dance."

More couples follow our lead and join us on the dance floor. I twirl Sasha once then bring her body close to mine, my hands comfortably around her waist. This is Sasha's domain, more so than mine. Her hips roll with the music, expertly finding the beat as her hands glide up my chest and secure themselves on the back of my neck. She moves again in confidence and I follow, my hands sliding up to finally touch the silky smooth exposure of her back. We move in harmonized unison.

I lick my lips hungrily as she closes her eyes, losing herself to the music. It's just me and her on this dance floor…we are the only ones in existence. I've been letting her lead and move her body the way she wanted, but now…it's my turn. Grinning, I take her hand and twirl her again, but this time I pull her back to me while her back is turned, subsequently hugging her from behind. I hear the quick intake of breath when her curves mold against my body. I press my face to the side of her hair and inhale the sweet citrus scent laced in the sea of crimson before dipping my chin so my lips are aligned with a caramel ear.

"Dance, amore," I whisper seductively, "dance."

"Hmm…as you wish, bonito."

Our hips are aligned perfectly when Sasha starts to roll hers, creating an erotic dance that causes both of us to moan in the beginnings of ecstasy. My arms wrap around her tighter, my head moves lower over her shoulder to place a single kiss to her neck. I can feel her reach back and up to bury a hand in my hair.

How long we dance, I'm not sure. The music could've stopped long ago, but neither of us would've noticed. All I know is that I don't want this night to end.

"Cole…let's go take that walk. I'm…feeling a bit faint."

We instantly stop moving and I turn her around. Her face is beautifully flushed although her eyes are a bit glassy. "Are you okay?" I ask worriedly and touch her cheek.

She shudders. "Yeah…can we go?"

"Sure, let's go," I glance around, taking note of the multitude of swaying bodies surrounding us. Each couple lost in their own little world just as we were. I take Sasha's hand and calmly lead us back to our table where thankfully our waiter is nearby. I get his attention and ask him to pack the rest of our food to go. I slip him a twenty as a tip which he beams at and he directs us to the boardwalk leading to a secluded section of the beach.

"Our computer shows that you chose to pay for everything beforehand Mr. Belmonte, so when you are ready to leave your food will be waiting near the exit. Enjoy your night of enchantment, you two," he says and Sasha and I thank him before setting out across the boardwalk.

The night air is soothing and warm with just enough wind to cool our heated bodies. As soon as our feet touch the sand, Sasha takes off her sandals and sighs in contentment.

"A night of enchantment indeed," she exhales and leans against me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders in response. "Cole, I can't think of a better birthday than this. Thank you so much."

I smile. "You say that like the night is over…look up," I direct and she tilts her head.

"Oh…the stars…" she breathes. The heavens are littered with billons of them tonight each twinkling with their own spark of light and purpose. I can already see some of the ones I know.

"You know of celestial navigation, right? Sensei Wu taught us that there are fifty-eight selected navigational stars that we can use if we ever lose our way during the night. And that right there is the most famous navigational star, Polaris."

We continue to venture on, going further and further away from the boardwalk and The Amorilla's Alcove. All the while, I point out two of my most preferred stars.

"See that big bright one right there? That's Capella, one of the brightest northern stars and the other is…" I search the heavens meticulously until I find another large star, "right there. That's Vega. Those two are my favorite."

"Really? Why?" Sasha asks, looking up at me and I marvel at the radiance of those eyes of soft rain.

"Because…they represent my father and brother. When my dad would go away on tour with his quartet, Dante and I would always call to see how he was doing and…at night dad would always say, "Look under Capella, I'm right there," and it just stuck with me. My brother is Vega because…well, because just like dad he has the natural gift of music. It's only fitting that he would be another bright star."

"But, what about your star, Cole?" She questions next and we stop walking. I frown and look out over the ocean. The tides come in teasingly only to retreat a second later then repeat their lighthearted cycle.

"I don't know," I finally get out. "I never thought of myself as a star."

Sasha's fingertips touch my face and she guides my gaze to meet hers. "But you are one," she says confidently. "Maybe you should consider yourself that star that everyone relies upon. The North Star. The always dependable Polaris. No matter where you are in the world you can always see him. He's always there for you."

My hands find her waist again and bring her closer. "Me? The great North Star, Polaris? You don't think that's a little much?"

"Considering who you are…no," she says with unwavering certitude and I inch my face closer to hers.

"We need to find you a star to identify with," I whisper, but she shakes her head.

"No, I don't need to be one. As long as I can look to you when I need you, I am content," her nose brushes mine. "I want to cherish you. I want to love you."


Our lips brush innocently, but I'm far from satiated. Again and again I kiss her and each one I hold longer than the last. My heartbeat increases in tempo when her arms encircle my neck and she presses herself firmly up against me. Oh yeah…I can feel those large supple breasts wonderfully now. My hands move of their own volition, finding their way back to the rich smoothness of skin.

We pull apart slowly and unexpectedly she steps away. We are under the arc of a large promontory and the overshadowing darkness causes Sasha's features to ingeniously conceal themselves. My eyes follow her every move as she continues to retreat from me. Her hand reaches up over her head to remove the crossed lacquered chopsticks from her hair one by one and carelessly drops them to waiting sand. I can still see her eyes despite the darkness and they inhibit a mischievous glint as she removes the band that bound her hair. The result is breathtaking. The wind plays with her long blood-red tresses even after her back connects with the smooth side of the promontory. The way she's looking at me, a look that I can only interpret as "come hither…" makes me more self-aware of the upcoming step in our relationship. A step I'm ready for.

Sasha, are you ready too? Are you ready to give yourself to me…completely?

It only takes a few steps for me to reach her. And when I do, her hand lifts to smooth my bangs away from obstructing my sight. That same hand I take in mine and interlace our fingers. My eyes search the beauty of her face.

She's smiling and blushing.

My brow connects with hers and when our lips are just centimeters apart, I have to say:

"Sasha, it would mean the world to me if you would say it. Tell me you are ready."

Her breath tickles my face as she replies softly, "Never have I loved anybody with such passion. I would do anything for you, Cole. Please, make me yours. Make me your one and only. I am ready to commit myself entirely to you."

Is my body shaking? I feel like a powerful seismic shock has taken root inside my soul and was quaking endlessly. Our next kiss is passionately ravenous. Her words have set me off and I can't stop myself from tasting her. We moan simultaneously and Sasha whimpers with want when I reach through the slit of her dress to grasp her thigh and lift it. Obeying my silent command, she keeps herself steady as I grind myself between her legs. The words she spoke repeats in my head like an exquisite mantra, a mantra of eternal devotion. To me.

Never have I loved anybody with such passion…

I hiss when she takes the offensive, her fingers working on the buttons of my shirt and kissing a trail up my neck. Her hands are now in my hair and I initiate another deep and wet kiss.

I would do anything for you, Cole…

Please make me yours…

Make me your one and only…

A melody of exhilarated gasps and pants emits from us. Gods how I want to feel more of her, tonight I will do it. I will make Sasha indefinitely mine, which means…this dress has got to go.

I am ready to commit myself entirely to you…

My heart is thundering as my hands move to that satin tie around her neck and I give one particularly hard thrust to her pelvis which in turn causes her to cry out in jubilation. I regain some of my composure when the knot begins to unravel and pull back, wanting to finally feast my eyes on the twin caramel globes that have been the focal point of most of my fantasies with Sasha. Just as I begin to peel down her dress, my senses are immediately bombarded by an unwanted intrusion. My body freezes and I extend my senses further and concentrate.

"Haa…C-Cole…?" Sasha's breathless voice calls to me, but the feeling of incoming invaders still nags at my senses. I frown and quickly scoop Sasha up in my arms and retreat into the far recesses of the promontory we are under until we are enveloped in complete darkness.

Not five seconds later, I hear the laughter of another couple, a man and a woman. They soon come into view and frolic merrily on the shoreline, the man taking the woman in his arms and spinning her around.

I groan in dismay, my body screams at me to relieve the pressure that has been built up, but…

"C'mon Catherine, we've never done it on a beach. Let's do it now, it'll be just like the movies."

The man had put the woman down and was holding her close. The woman giggled.

"Well, this beach is private and…it would be a nice requiem for our fourth year anniversary. Let's make this memorable, Justin."

When they began to kiss and gradually shed their clothes, I instantly turn away in an irate huff.

Dammit all!

"Oh…wow," Sasha snickers and pushes on my chest to get me to back away and I do with her following me. We make our way to the other side of the expansive promontory and I turn to her. Her hair was still down, but she was retying the knot on her dress.

No, no, no!

I reach for her hand quickly. "Sasha, we can still—I mean we can find another…uh…"

Her face flushes considerably and she looks away. The moment had come and gone, she'd lost her nerve. Our night of enchantment has been cut short…all thanks to Justin and Catherine and their unwelcomed interference.

"Maybe…it's just not our time yet," she says quietly and leans up to give me a heartfelt kiss. Her hands caress my exposed chest as she settles back on her feet. "But, it will happen and when it does it'll be wonderful." She then takes my hand, "Let's go home, Cole."

I can say nothing else as we take the long way back to the restaurant although I do have one thought.

Justin, Catherine I sincerely hope you two get swept up into the waves and carried out to sea.

(End Flashback)

"It was an unfortunate turn of events to an otherwise perfect night and on the entire drive back home I let TA steer. I didn't want to come off my high and I knew you didn't either, so we kissed and teased each other with touches on the way back. You were in my lap just as you are now and you marked my neck and I returned the favor."

I peer down at the sleeping beauty ever still and quiet. "When will our time come, Sasha?" I ask seriously, but then shake my head. "I'm not in a rush or anything, but I was ready then and I'm ready now."

I focus ahead once more into the thundering dreariness. "Your words were so profound. If I didn't know any better I'd take it you were trying to propose to me. Wishful thinking, huh?" I chuckle sardonically.

"No, but seriously. I felt something…almost as if my element was reacting. I wonder if you felt anything similar. Hm?"

The excessive beeping from my PMS distracts my attention. Glancing down, I unclip it from my belt and look at the screen. I instantly recognize the number and hurriedly attach the PMS to my dashboard.

"TA, connect Bluetooth earpiece."

"Request acknowledged. Connecting Bluetooth device from PMS to user, initiating now."

I can feel the shift of change from my headrest as a tiny mechanical limb extends and fastens my earpiece onto my ear. Once it retracts I immediately hit the button to patch the call through.

"Ms. Graciano!" I greet excitedly.

(Cole sugah, how are you this fine and rainy day!) Sasha's mother reciprocates with just as much zest and I laugh.

"I'm doing great, thanks."

(That's good to hear and know that I got your message yesterday. Didn't I tell you the week prior that you and my lil' habanera can come whenever?)

I touch the back of my head reflexively. "Well yeah, but that was last week. I'd hate for us to show up unexpectedly and be an imposition."

(Imposition?! Sugah, with the gifts you sent you can visit anytime of the year!)

This perks me up. "You got them?"

(Yep, yesterday afternoon. Thanks so much, honey. I haven't had one of those Edible Arrangements fruit bouquets in years! I intend to keep mine for awhile, but Sophia devoured hers. I swear that lil' thang can eat!)

I laugh again. It's easy to tell where Sasha gets her sass from and Sophia's the same way.

(So you two are on your way now then, right?)

"Yes, ma'am. We are…" I check the map again and actually have to blink a few times in astonishment. We have long since traversed the Daedra Lands and were actually already in Poseidonia territory. "We are en route from the Orca Nooks. We should be in town within the hour."

(Excellent! You two will be just in time for lunch. Do you like fried catfish, Cole?)

My stomach growls at the mere mention of food. Having skipped breakfast, I was beyond famished and no doubt Sasha will be too when she wakes up. "Yeah, Sasha made some a few times and I enjoyed it. I don't mean to sound like a glutton, but I really hope you make a lot because Sasha and I didn't eat breakfast this morning."

(Oh you poor lil' dearies! Well, don't you worry honey; I'll make plenty so everyone will get their fill. Now, what does this hot rod of a car you drivin' look like? I want to have Sophia be on lookout so that she may open the door for you since you'll be carrying my baby.)

"Yes, ma'am and good call. My car is mostly black with some gold and looks like a standard off-road sports car. Trust me when I say, she'll know it's me as soon as I pull up."

(That flashy, eh?) She laughs. (But, you're ever so polite. It will be nice to finally connect the voice and name with a face. And my Sasha…I've missed my oldest baby terribly ever since she left for Ninjago City all those years ago. She said she'd found her purpose in life, her true calling. The Celestial placed us on this planet for a reason. We all have to answer when destiny calls, but…why is my baby's destiny so fraught with danger? She fights to protect us, but all I want is for her to be safe.)

"Sasha will always be safe, Ms. Graciano," I say instantly. The deep sorrow in her voice in regards to her daughter's way of life beckons me to relay my own conviction to her. "I will protect her. No matter what the cost. I swear this to you."

(Cole…thank you. Sasha speaks very highly of you, y'know. She loves you very much.)

My heart thumps soundly as my gaze settles on my amore. "And I love her just as much if not even more so."

(I know you do, sugah. See you soon, okay?)

"Right, see you soon, Ms Graciano."

I end the call just as lightning pierces through the heavens and illuminate the surrounding area in a stunning display of raw power. A peninsula surrounded by water flickered in the dark distance. Truly a place where Leviathan worshippers inhabited, the impressively large coastal city stood unflinchingly against the heavy torrents of rain almost as if it welcomed them.

"We're almost there, Sasha," I whisper to her then grasp the steering wheel strongly. "TA, I can take it from here. Thanks for all of your hard work in keeping us safe through this storm."

Manual control is returned to me and the lights on my dashboard blink rapidly.

"No biggie, it was my pleasure," TA responds in an exact replication of my own voice with a computerized tone and I chuckle joyfully.

"Hey, that's my line!"

The lights dance about again as I shift my Spinjitzu Vehicle into top gear. I have to admit that I've become one helluva driver and speeding while avoiding obstacles is a cinch regardless of the weather. The engine growls ferociously when I make a sharp turn and drift onto actual asphalt road. I'll have to take this thoroughfare to get into the city.

"TA, input Graciano home address," I command and the holographic navigation screen on my right beeps to confirm my location.

"Request acknowledged. Inputting new destination now…" I slow down and peer at the map from my peripheral. The latitude and longitude geographical design zooms in to the display the city from a bird's eye view as a route is forged. "Shall I instruct you on how to proceed from your current position?"

"No thanks, I can manage on my own. Initiate "sleep mode", TA. I won't be dispelling you while we're here."

"Request acknowledged. Initiating "sleep mode", goodnight, Cole."

"Yeah, sweet dreams, TA."

Once I cross over the city limits, I take in Posiedonia as it comes. Due to the weather, I had expected the streets to be bare or at least scarce, but that isn't the case at all. Active trolleys picked up passengers and cars sped about on their way. Some people braved the elements equipped with raincoats and umbrellas, smiling and laughing in contentment as the heavens raged war above them.

The proud people of water…

Both man and nature reigned supreme in this city. Damp but beautiful fauna hung over the sidewalks protected and barricaded by black bars. Tall trees with lavender petals neighbored multiple buildings and other man-made constructions. Even in this storm Poseidonia shined in its entire tropical splendor.

I can't wait to see this place on a clear day. According to Ayane, the sun should show its face for the remainder of our stay here.

Following the map, I soon merge onto a byroad overlooking the immense Poseidonia coastline. Multitudes of fisherman amble purposefully along the sturdy wooden docks, unloading gallons upon gallons of fish from their massive boats. Both men and women gathered to help unload their surplus and the dignified organization of their progress informs me that these people are the best of the best at what they do.

The byroad slopes lower until I'm on par with the beach itself. I'm mesmerized by the sheer girth of the scatter of palm trees when I realize the road is taking me to a residential area. I focus intently as deluxe beach houses come into view. Each one is reasonably spaced apart and two-stories high with a flight of stairs to ascend to reach the veranda.

I slow my Tread Assault to complete halt in front a particular beach house. The wooding painted a stark white while its roof contrasted with a familiar shade of crimson. A girl who was previously seated on a cushioned porch swing leaps to her feet and closes her phone. From the enthusiastic wave and holler of my name I can easily deduce that she is Sophia Graciano.

I sigh and glance down.

"Welcome home, Sasha."
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Wolf-Ninja001's avatar
that 'bossman' shirt tickld me something wickd! And im watching Les Dawson. Double whammy! Awesomely wrote, btw.